ling photography : blog »

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All I can say for this shoot is, Tiffany and Sam rocked my socks off.

So, so cold, but they made it look so effortlessly elegant.

My favorite of the day.

Enjoy the slideshow. I know you will.

Tiff and Sam, thanks for helping to make my vision come true.
You rock. seriously.

Ai Ling

Chandra - Oh my. What was this for? As bad as this winter has been, I have to give it credit for giving you a nice color palette to work with for this shoot.

Calista - whoa, love the way they jump! those ballerinas! :)

Tiffany - WOW! As out of shape as I am and as cold as it was…these are beautiful!! A true testament to you as a photographer :) Our first sisters only photos…and we LOVE them!

Amelie - These are awesome !! I love the colors and the scarves in the wind ! Congrats to the ballerinas for all the beautiful jumps and to you for the fantastic pictures !!

nicki_bennie - These are so beautiful – I love the colours against the snow! And the dancing has inspired me to try a streetdance shoot with my son – he loves to dance :)

Ai Ling - Thank you!! I was so inspired to do this shoot. Glad it turned out great.

new york

Was in New York back in December of ’08, and these photos reminded me the joy of photography. It felt good to just shoot… anything and everything.

new york
new york
new york

Brooklyn Bridge, high noon.

new york
new york


new york
new york
new york

From the Empire State Building.

new york
new york

Slideshow of black and white photos — this is me, being a tourist. : )

Ai Ling

AngelChang - oh~~~

it is really nice to see you being a tourist AGAIN.
Guess it was long time ago….

Ai Ling - haha, I try but I get lazy when it comes to processing my own photos.

Chandra - Oooh, you haven’t done this kind of photography for a long time! It’s the original Ai Ling!

Calista - oh love this! I see life! Love the bridge :))

Zorislav - Great stuff, as always :) I love your street photography the most and your B&W processing is just as I like it…photo journalistic.

I got a new job at the beginning of the year and more time for photography :) You are not into flickr anymore?

Hope all is well and beautiful!


Hlies - OMG! You’ve captured New York so beautifully :) Nice job!

My - I like the horse/mounted police photo!
You’ve created a feeling of visiting every spot and seeing the whole of New York City. I can cross it off as a vacation destination, now. THANKS!

Sherene - I was in the city on Valentine’s weekend and when we had DIMSUM, all i could think was “wouldnt it be wonderful to share it with you there!” Come back to NY!! And bring Ian too ok? :P

Ariel - Great pictures!

Ai Ling - thank you!! :)

my first publication!

I was interviewed by the Twin Cities Luxury and Fashion magazine a while ago regarding my thoughts on the trash-the-dress phenomenon, and I was also asked to submit a few photos from the sessions I’ve done. Leah’s and Mary’s photos were among the few that I submitted.

Yesterday I received a package that contained three copies of the magazine’s February issue… and guess what, I am published!

Four of my photos along with the interview were featured on page 54 and 55.

A real magazine, with glossy pages and all. *gasp*

Did I mention I am very, very, very happy? : )
Okay… more like smiling like an idiot every five minutes and dancing the very dorky happy dance every two hours since yesterday.

Ai Ling

vanessa - rightfully so! that is very exciting and well deserved.
congrats, keep smiling.

Miki - Yee. Haw.


Calista - wow well done! you deserve it! did they publish your blog too? keep a copy for us :)

susan - hey ai ling, i got yr sms this morning while driving to work. Congrats gal! It’s wonderful news to see your work published :)Baby looks so good and cute!!!! Am happy to see the pics. Take care!

AngelChang - Congrats congrats!!!
Wish I could get the magazine!
lool, can we see how u smile and dance? XD

Ai Ling - Thank you!!! : )
I am still doing the happy dance, just not as frequent as yesterday.
On a totally unrelated note, the model on the cover is the girl that won one of the America’s Next Top Model’s cycle… LOL

Chandra - Time to up your rates! ;)

Laura Ivanova - Ai Ling! That is so freaking awesome!!!! CONGRATS!!!!

sherene - Congratulations ai ling! I was waiting to hear from you about it all february now ( its only 5 days but they did say February issue!!) I am so happy for you!

Amelie - Hey this is awesome !!! Congratulations :)

Laurie Larson - Congratulations. I am going to get a copy today. Love the pictures of Mary, especially. (I’m not exactly impartial). Great job. You’d never know it was 30 degrees outside.
Mary’s Mom!

nicki_bennie - That is SO cool :D
Yay! Congratulations – the images look wonderful in the magazine! x

Feng-Yi - :) I feel so happy for you.

ocean - 太讓人高興的好消息了!

Tina - Hi Ai,
wow congrats and this is awesome! keep up the great work!

Ai Ling - thank you!!! :)

josie - congratulations!!

This is BIG! I’m very happy for you!

Mimi - Many many many congratulation to you! You are a total inspiration! About time too!!!!! :)