Jesse’s amazing boudoir shoot. Enjoy!
Love the teddy bear. : )
Thanks, Jesse, for the shoot. I look forward to working with you again!
Ai Ling
Yesterday was Ian’s two month check up. A couple of pounds here, a couple of inches there… boy of boy, he sure is growing fast!
The shots, on the other hand, were not so easy to live with. It was hard for us to watch him cried and screamed and couldn’t do anything about it. Despite our feelings, we can only hope that this gets easier as he grows older.
To remind us of the happier times, this was taken on this year’s Halloween. No candy for him though, not yet, but the costume was essential. : )
招財貓 / Maneki Neko — hmmm, similarities? : )
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Ai Ling
he is soooo adorable and the costume is cute.
he’s so cute.. hahahahahhaa.. love this pic.. my wallpaper now :)
are you Chinese? He is so cute.
不知道是不是自己看錯 好像今天有看見你
Have a good weekend!
Bee, the costume is awesome, and I got it on sale, so no complaints here.
ian 一眨眼就兩個月大了說
我覺得自己好老了 (顏面嚎哭狂奔而去)
Calista, no kidding, you keep changing your wallpaper huh? LOL
Ariel, 會看中文啊 ^^
hahaha yup yup.. I had changed my wallpaper the third time now :) This is the cutest… I guess will keep it for a long time until you send me his newer pic hehehe..
I can’t believe he’s 2 months already…
Calista, I’ve got a new one that is even cuter. LOL, just wait.
Lauranne, we can’t believe it either. My, time does fly.
Ariel, 沒去過 Quang 耶 (嗯﹐好吃嗎﹖餐館在哪裡﹖)
在這裡我通常都不帶 dslr 相機出門的
加上有了小孩﹐所以你看見我抱著 ian 的機率會比較高
對了﹐你的 blog 我若沒有 yahoo! 帳戶的話可以留言嗎﹖
That is a definitely holiday pictures and temporary wallpaper for you!! Your baby little black cat!! And he is gettiing bigger!
不能留言耶 不過 很多人都不會留言
Dude – Ian’s one handsome little fella. I love the costume and, I assume, Mommy and Daddy’s feet :)
真有 model 的天份
From her amazing engagement session to her fabulous wedding, I have gotten to know Mary better and I truly enjoyed working with her. So for her bridal session, we decided to shoot at her parent’s beautiful farm in Wisconsin, and it sure was worth the trip!!
Inside the 100 year old barn.
Mary’s mom, Laurie took these behind-the-scene photos. I’ve always wanted some of these — thank you, Laurie!!
You couldn’t tell by looking at the photos, but it was seriously cold the day of the shoot. We were all bundled up except for Mary — she rocked the shoot.
The picture below is Laurie’s interpretation of the shot above. I think I like her version better. (Photo taken by Laurie, post processed by me)
The sun was out briefly. It was gold.
Please click and watch the slideshow below. Enjoy!
Mary and Laurie, thank you for welcoming me into your home and allowing me to shoot at such a wonderful location. I had a great time there, and the hot cocoa was goooooood. : )
And Mary, enjoy your honeymoon and I look forward to working with you again!
Ai Ling
Hey Ai! Thank you so much for the pictures! It was so fun getting to hangout with you for the afternoon. You did such a beautiful job of capturing not only me in the dress but also our home. :)
You’re the best!
<3 Always,
Great work. Thanks again…and come out any time. It’s even better in summer. Laurie
Calista - She’s stunning! Love the second picture a lot. She looks absolutely gorgeous :)
Well done